Cities across the South are creatively building gardens in homes and in places where people seek to address food apartheid and chronic diet-related health issues impacting their communities. Each of these projects is built on collaboration among stakeholders invested in their communities. In this session learn how gardening resources from Big Green have been a catalyst for growth in San Antonio TX, Memphis TN, Miami Gardens, FL, Savannah GA, and Charleston, SC, and how the nonprofits, faith-based organizations, municipal institutions, and school districts in those communities are embracing growing food in ways that align with their vision, activate their partners and fit their local culture. Takeaways: Growing food is a powerful connector that helps communities live healthier, more vibrant lives. Participants will walk away with several strategies, a summary of lessons learned and promising practices, and planning tools you can use to form your own local, regional, and national partnerships that support your specific goals.
Thamara Labrousse, Thamara Labrousse Consulting
Molly Lieberman, Loop It Up Savannah
Chris Onuoha, Hand, Heart + Soul Project
Sam Koentopp, Big Green