Full Name
Ms. Molly Lieberman
Business or Org Name
Loop It Up Savannah
Executive Director
Speaker Bio
Molly Lieberman is the Founder and Executive Director of Loop It Up Savannah, a community arts and education non-profit which provides art, literacy, STEAM, yoga and mindfulness, gardening, cooking and other enrichment workshops and experiences to children throughout Chatham County, as well as several other counties throughout Georgia and South Carolina. Loop It Up began in 2008 as an afterschool knitting and crochet program at the West Broad Street YMCA and became a non-profit organization in 2015.
Loop It Up programs give young people opportunities to explore and express who they are, both as individuals and members of a community while fostering strong relationships, and building sustainable and interconnected communities where everyday needs are met with creativity and confidence. Loop It Up programs also give students opportunities to participate in a variety of creative and hands-on activities, which engage their academic knowledge, while accelerating learning through standards based arts integrated curriculum that nurtures and supports the whole child. Through partnerships with the Savannah Chatham County Public School System, the City of Savannah, Chatham County and many non-profits and school systems, Loop It Up Savannah provides programming at over 40 locations and to over 12,000 students each year.
Molly grew up in Northampton Massachusetts and moved to Savannah in 2006. When not busy with Loop It Up, she enjoys reading as well as cooking, knitting and sewing special things for friends and family, and supporting Savannah’s many excellent non-profits.
Loop It Up programs give young people opportunities to explore and express who they are, both as individuals and members of a community while fostering strong relationships, and building sustainable and interconnected communities where everyday needs are met with creativity and confidence. Loop It Up programs also give students opportunities to participate in a variety of creative and hands-on activities, which engage their academic knowledge, while accelerating learning through standards based arts integrated curriculum that nurtures and supports the whole child. Through partnerships with the Savannah Chatham County Public School System, the City of Savannah, Chatham County and many non-profits and school systems, Loop It Up Savannah provides programming at over 40 locations and to over 12,000 students each year.
Molly grew up in Northampton Massachusetts and moved to Savannah in 2006. When not busy with Loop It Up, she enjoys reading as well as cooking, knitting and sewing special things for friends and family, and supporting Savannah’s many excellent non-profits.
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