Full Name
Nicole McGiboney
Business or Org Name
GrowWild Educational Resources
Owner | Author
Speaker Bio
Nicole McGiboney is the passionate owner of GrowWild Educational Resources, a Jefferson, Georgia-based organization dedicated to fostering health, sustainability, and agricultural education in schools and communities. With over five years of experience collaborating with schools, families, restaurants, and local governments, Nicole has become a driving force in teaching the next generation to embrace healthier, more sustainable lifestyles and inspire children to eat their vegetables!

Inspired by a personal health journey, Nicole transformed her experiences into a mission to support schools through innovative gardening and nutrition programs. By securing over $50,000 in grants for Georgia schools, they have helped implement sensory gardens, herb gardens, and pollinator gardens, as well as classroom initiatives that teach food security, cultural diversity, and regenerative farming practices.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Nicole is a proud parent of two children, ages 8 and 4, and enjoys designing, writing, and cheering on her kids’ at their activities.
Nicole McGiboney