Full Name
Mr. Lenwood Edwards
Business or Org Name
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
FarmsSHARE Coordinator
Speaker Bio
Lenwood was born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, and graduated from NC State University in 2009 with a B.S. in Sport Management. He finally found his community while working at Greensboro’s local food co-op, Deep Roots Market.
As CFSA's FarmsSHARE Coordinator, Lenwood works with over 300 farms, 18 food hubs, and over 200 community organizations throughout North Carolina to bring fresh local food to those experiencing food insecurity. His passion for seeing small farms succeed drives his work in advocating for a sustainable local food system in North Carolina.
As CFSA's FarmsSHARE Coordinator, Lenwood works with over 300 farms, 18 food hubs, and over 200 community organizations throughout North Carolina to bring fresh local food to those experiencing food insecurity. His passion for seeing small farms succeed drives his work in advocating for a sustainable local food system in North Carolina.
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