Hear from two outstanding ‘farmer-services’ organizations in the Southeast as they reflect on one particularly impactful program they’ve ‘Seeded’ within the farming communities they serve. First, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association's Lenwood Edwards will share information about their FarmsSHARE program, a local food system model that aligns a network of food hubs, small sustainable farms, and farmer cooperatives to aggregate, pack, and distribute local, seasonal foods via CSA-styles boxes to the food insecure. To date, the program has prioritized historically underserved farmers and has invested over $8M towards this effort. Secondly, Benjamin Sterling Jr., Program Manager of McIntosh SEED (Sustainable Environment and Economic Development), will provide information about their collaboration with Georgia Organics in the Climate-Smart Farmer’s Program. Over the past two years, CSFP has highlighted the critical importance of educating and empowering Black farmers on conservation and climate-smart practices. The program aims to provide more Black farmers with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to adapt to climate change, build resilience, and sustain productivity by focusing on conservation agriculture and rooftop solar energy.
Benjamin Sterling, McIntosh Sustainable Environment and Economic Development