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Steam Onward/Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance
Speaker Bio
Bonnetta Adeeb, founder and President of STEAM ONWARD, Inc, a non-profit 501(c3) organization in Southern Maryland. Bonnetta is also the founder and director of the STEAM ONWARD the programs: Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance (UCFA) and Ujamaa Seeds. The mission of Steam Onward is to increase the number of minority and under-served youth pursuing higher education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through hands-on immersive out-of-school activities in agriculture and the environment. The “A” in Steam Onward represents agriculture, a 21st century career path that employs science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Steam Onward achieves its mission by providing youth in Charles County and Prince George's County, Maryland with after-school hands-on experiential learning opportunities in five program areas: STEM agriculture and environmental career explorations, as well as internships in agriculture, and veterinary medicine.
The STEAM ONWARD the program: Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance (UCFA) is a collective of emergent and seasoned growers who cultivate heirloom seeds. UCFA recognizes the need for increased diversity in farming and the seed industry, and the need to provide more opportunities and support for growers from historically oppressed and marginalized communities. To this end the UCFA is working to bridge the gap between prospective growers and heirloom seed companies. Since 2020 UCFA has trained over 80 prospective heirloom seed growers. To facilitate instruction in heirloom seed saving UCFA is currently establishing three Regional Seed Saving Hubs in the Northeast, the Midwest, and the South, respectively.
The STEAM ONWARD the program: Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance (UCFA) is a collective of emergent and seasoned growers who cultivate heirloom seeds. UCFA recognizes the need for increased diversity in farming and the seed industry, and the need to provide more opportunities and support for growers from historically oppressed and marginalized communities. To this end the UCFA is working to bridge the gap between prospective growers and heirloom seed companies. Since 2020 UCFA has trained over 80 prospective heirloom seed growers. To facilitate instruction in heirloom seed saving UCFA is currently establishing three Regional Seed Saving Hubs in the Northeast, the Midwest, and the South, respectively.
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