Full Name
Lindsay Gonzales
Business or Org Name
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA)
Deputy Director
Speaker Bio
Lindsay is currently the Deputy Director for two sister nonprofit organizations - Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) and Council for Healthy Food Systems (CHFS). Lifting the needs and voices of small-scale and regenerative farmers, FARFA advocates for new laws and systemic change at the state level in Texas, and at the national level; while CHFS educates producers and the public about the value of regenerative agriculture and local food through a series of workshops, farm tours and more. Lindsay draws on 20 years' experience in nonprofit fundraising, organizing and management. Prior to finding her now life-long passion as an "Ag-tivist," she worked at the Democratic National Committee, NETWORK; a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, Legal Aid, Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston, founded a community farmer's market, was a childbirth educator for 10 years, and ran a small nonprofit consulting operation. Returning to Texas to be with family, she now lives in a small town south of Houston with her husband, "just enough" chickens, three dogs, two sons, and most recently, an axolotl.