Full Name
Mr. Jumoke Ifetayo
Business or Org Name
Reparations NOW podcast
Producer and Host
Speaker Bio
Jumoke Ifetayo currently serves as the producer and host of the Reparations NOW podcast a dynamic
audiovisual podcast focused solely on the reparations movement past, present and future.
Baba Jumoke serves First Repair as the Senior Advisor and Chair of the South Region National
Reparations Monthly strategy sessions. Baba Jumoke serves on the Reparations Committee of the
Movement 4 Black Lives. Baba Jumoke is a Reparations Subject Matter expert consultant for the
Greater Atlanta Reparations Collaborative a coalition of social justice nonprofits serving the greater
Atlanta area. Baba Jumoke serves as Co- Chair of the South Florida Chapter of N’COBRA (National
Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America) and the Facilitator of the ASHE Committee (which fuses
African Spirituality, Culture and traditions into the reparations movement) and he has served as the past
National Male Co- chair of N’COBRA, National Secretary, SE Region Representative of N’COBRA. and
Male Co- chair of the NCOBRA Atlanta Chapter for many years. N’COBRA is the legacy reparations
coalition of individuals and organizations in the USA.
Baba Jumoke is a community organizer, reparations thought leader, lecturer, visionary, activist
father, spirit dancer, event planner, ceremony facilitator, consultant and entrepreneur.
Baba Jumoke is a trained professional community organizer having been on staff with TransAfrica ,
ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), Federation of Southern
Cooperatives, and Mississippi Action for Community Education and has volunteered with many others.
Baba Jumoke currently with over 25 years’ experience with N’COBRA and a lifetime of experience as a
community activist, has spoken at many schools, universities, conferences and churches. Baba Jumoke
has written articles, and done numerous interviews on the reparations movement.
In addition to hosting an annual 6-hour Radio program on Reparations, Baba Jumoke also
hosted a bi-weekly Reparations radio show and podcast for 2 years on the Blacktalk Radio Network
called “Conversation Reparations”. Bro Jumoke aka Hulbert H James Jr. received his BA from the
University of the South in Sewanee TN in 1987, with a double Major in Economics and Third World
audiovisual podcast focused solely on the reparations movement past, present and future.
Baba Jumoke serves First Repair as the Senior Advisor and Chair of the South Region National
Reparations Monthly strategy sessions. Baba Jumoke serves on the Reparations Committee of the
Movement 4 Black Lives. Baba Jumoke is a Reparations Subject Matter expert consultant for the
Greater Atlanta Reparations Collaborative a coalition of social justice nonprofits serving the greater
Atlanta area. Baba Jumoke serves as Co- Chair of the South Florida Chapter of N’COBRA (National
Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America) and the Facilitator of the ASHE Committee (which fuses
African Spirituality, Culture and traditions into the reparations movement) and he has served as the past
National Male Co- chair of N’COBRA, National Secretary, SE Region Representative of N’COBRA. and
Male Co- chair of the NCOBRA Atlanta Chapter for many years. N’COBRA is the legacy reparations
coalition of individuals and organizations in the USA.
Baba Jumoke is a community organizer, reparations thought leader, lecturer, visionary, activist
father, spirit dancer, event planner, ceremony facilitator, consultant and entrepreneur.
Baba Jumoke is a trained professional community organizer having been on staff with TransAfrica ,
ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), Federation of Southern
Cooperatives, and Mississippi Action for Community Education and has volunteered with many others.
Baba Jumoke currently with over 25 years’ experience with N’COBRA and a lifetime of experience as a
community activist, has spoken at many schools, universities, conferences and churches. Baba Jumoke
has written articles, and done numerous interviews on the reparations movement.
In addition to hosting an annual 6-hour Radio program on Reparations, Baba Jumoke also
hosted a bi-weekly Reparations radio show and podcast for 2 years on the Blacktalk Radio Network
called “Conversation Reparations”. Bro Jumoke aka Hulbert H James Jr. received his BA from the
University of the South in Sewanee TN in 1987, with a double Major in Economics and Third World
Speaking At