Full Name
David Zarling
Business or Org Name
The Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network
Program Manager
Speaker Bio
David Zarling is a meat processing operations specialist with extensive boots-on-the-ground experience in starting up, managing and auditing meat processing plants around the country.
Currently, David is the Program Manager for the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network at Oregon State University and founder of Northwoods Group consulting. He specializes in team training of all aspects of humane slaughter, meat processing, food safety, plant operations and management training. He is usually found traveling the country training those skills to teams in meat processing facilities, hosting educational content through NMPAN, or climbing peaks in the Pacific Northwest.
Currently, David is the Program Manager for the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network at Oregon State University and founder of Northwoods Group consulting. He specializes in team training of all aspects of humane slaughter, meat processing, food safety, plant operations and management training. He is usually found traveling the country training those skills to teams in meat processing facilities, hosting educational content through NMPAN, or climbing peaks in the Pacific Northwest.
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