Full Name
Ms. Jennifer Taylor
Business or Org Name
Lola's Organic Farm
Organic farmer, associate professor
Speaker Bio
Jennifer Taylor is an organic small farmer in rural middle-Georgia. Together with her husband Ron Gilmore they manage Lola’s Organic Farm, where they engage agroecology-organic farming system practices to grow delicious certified organic vegetables, fruits, herbs and cover crop. Asserting the benefits through on-farm intensive hand-on learning sessions, farm tours, and information sharing dialogues with underserved farmers in our communities to promote small farm resilience and wellbeing. At Florida A&M University, Jennifer created and implemented the StateWide Small Farm Program a participatory sustainable development program developed to strengthen capacity and wellbeing with underserved small farmers and their communities. Jennifer Taylor serves as Co-Director of the Lola Hampton-Frank Pinder Center for Agroecology at Florida A&M University. Jennifer Taylor is an active Board Member of Georgia Organics, the Rodale Institute, and IFOAM North America
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