Full Name
Nikki Seibert-Kelley
Business or Org Name
Wit Meets Grit
Measuring Success: Keeping Track of Impact
Speaker Bio
Nikki Seibert Kelley is a passionate advocate for increasing connectivity, equity, and resilience in the local food system. She is the owner of Wit Meets Grit, supporting food and farming organizations in fulfilling their missions across the Southeast. With 20 years of experience working in the non-profit sector, 13 years in local food systems, and a lifetime of her hands in the dirt, she enjoys working collaboratively with communities to cultivate change. Relevant experiences for this session include the development and implementation of evaluation tools for 18 individual programs/projects across the country including supporting the design and creation of the Wallace Center’s “Racial Equity Audit for Food Systems Networks” and providing support and content for the North American Food System Network’s “Community & Agriculture Resilience Audit Tool” (CARAT). Read more on LinkedIn or her website.
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